Well look at that I am slacking again.. .eh... so it is the story of my life. LOL! Anywho... lets see what to update on? Um, Kira is almost three months old! Wow TIME DOES FLY! She went swimming for the first time last week. She did great. A natural! She even floated on her back, until a splash washed on her face and she got upset. Poor thing, she started crying bloody murder. Of course dad was holding her so he felt guilty. Poor dad.
Um, Demitri finished up basketball and he did awesome! He is starting to get the dribbling down and shooting baskets. We are so proud of him!
I am still in school or well I am back to school I should say. Currently in a early childhood language development class. Which is interesting to learn about the different milestones and things an infant, toddler, and child go through.
Well that is it for now I suppose. I don't have to much to write. Um, besides oh I am going to a couponing class this Saturday! I am kinda excited to learn about how to save money! YAY for saving money, maybe I can use the money that I save to go on a vacation somewhere sunny and slightly warm with a beach and an ocean. Speaking of vacation, Wanda, is in New Zealand at the moment! Man I would've like to been there with her, but... alas I am a mommy with responsibility!
All right well I gotta go, Kira is crying and wants mommy!